You Asked, and We Listened!

Throughout our careers as REALTORS® in Alaska, we have heard every type of question from both sellers and buyers. You may have the same question. Our goal through this list of FAQs is to make the real estate process as easy for you as possible and to educate you. 

If you do not see your question here, please fill out our contact form or call us directly, at 907.376.7653. We look forward to hearing from you! 


Q  When buying a new home, what upgrades should we go for? What holds the most value?

A  If looking at your home as an investment, then buy from the smaller to medium size and spend only a minimal amount on upgrades. If you are looking to purchase as a home, then you select upgrades that will enhance your quality of living.
*One rule of thumb is to always upgrade the carpet and padding

What should I look for at an Open House?

A  Look under sink cabinets for possible signs of water damage, make sure there’s enough outlets for all appliances and other electronics you’ll be using, don’t just look for enough closet space but look for closet placement and check that storage is in a convenient location, be sure included appliances are in good condition, lift any rugs to check the condition of the floor beneath, be sure attic is well insulated and be sure the floors are level by placing a marble on the floor and see if it rolls consistently in one direction.

Q  As a first-time home buyer, what mistakes can I avoid? 

Once you decide it is time to buy, get with a mortgage originator and get your Pre-Approval Letter before you start shopping, and secondly don't worry about costs, your mortgage will not be the only cost when it comes to buying a home.


Q What are essential items to focus on for enhancing curb appeal?

A Wash the siding, revitalize the paint job, fix up the lawn, add a fence, renew the front door, add landscaping lighting, and update the mailbox. 

